Our Services

Manifesting coaching in different packages.

Gifted Session

A gifted coaching session to experience the magic for yourself.

Get in Action

A session up to 90 minutes to get clear on next steps.

Live Your Vision

Three-session package to get support on taking action.

Manifesting Magic

Six-session package to work through challenges that may arise.

A Benefit / Feature

Manifesting Made Easy

These services are opportunities to make the manifesting process easier as you will have a supportive third party holding to the vision. It is a great chance to get clear on what you would like, notice what is holding you back, and make progress on clearing any blocks. 


No, coaching is therapeutic in nature, but geared towards moving you forward into action based on your insights.

No, you are the expert on your life, and I am merely a guide supporting you to dive deeper into your own experiences. 

No, these are just powerful conversations where you can slow down and connect more deeply with your thoughts and insights. 

The difference between coaching and a friendly conversation is the slowed down nature of the conversation, the focus on you and your experiences, and that I will be of service to you and not try to please you.

Client Testimonials

You are an amazing coach. You helped me when I was going through a tough time to remember who I was and have the strength to move forward. I am excited for anyone who gets the opportunity to work with you.
Since working with LaTia, I’ve found more ease and joy in my work than ever before. I’ve brought more balance into my life and stopped doing the work that doesn’t get me results. Knowing how to organize my work in a way that gives me energy instead of draining me, my business dreams seem possible again.
The coaching session was a blessing. It allowed me to slow down and really look back and appreciate how far I’ve come until now allowing me to center myself, reset and get a clearer view of where I want to take this journey.