LaTia is a Queen among queens. She knows when to bring tough love and when to be soft and nurturing. I used to think that I could only go to her when I was feeling down, but she amplifies my juicy life when I’m feeling up as well. – Allyss


You are an amazing coach. You helped me when I was going through a tough time to remember who I was and have the strength to move forward. I am excited for anyone who gets the opportunity to work with you. -Rosza


LaTia is an amazing coach. She is a supreme listener, with a gentle yet attentive aire. She allows enough space in her listening for processing complex problems and emotions. She’s very good at reflecting and putting things together in such a way as to bring together a possible vision on what could be. I just love my sessions with her. She’s very genuine, down-to-earth, compassionate and yet direct as well. I can see her really having huge successes in this career and I would highly recommend you work with her. – Hope


To the unparalleled LaTia J.,
Navigating the complexities of relationships and dating has never been easy for me. But with your guidance, things took a turn for the positive. Your wisdom, unrivaled in its depth, has been a beacon for me, guiding me away from my ingrained patterns and towards genuine connections.
Your meticulous attention to detail didn’t go unnoticed. You discerned nuances in my stories and experiences that I had overlooked, helping me to see the bigger picture. But more than anything, your kindness created an environment where I felt safe, heard, and valued.
I am profoundly grateful for the way you’ve delved deep into my underlying triggers, understanding them with an insight that is rare and precious. You have not only been a coach but also a friend, and for that, I am eternally thankful.
Thank you, LaTia, for lighting the way.


“LaTia is amazing at listening attentively and she makes sure to understand your situation before offering feedback. I was able to talk through my goals regarding my photography business and she offered her own insight on how to develop my business ideas. She’s a lovely person to talk to with a calming presence, and anyone who sees her for life coaching will definitely get to feel her sincerity and find way to revitalize their goals with her.” -Hana


LaTia is so incredibly helpful! Just thinking about our session I feel good and get all giddy within. She uplifted me to really go for my dreams and gave me doable action steps to get my manifestation going in REAL TIME!!!! Thanks to her I’m now actually doing it!!!!! God! I’m so so so grateful, LaTia is the best ❤️ -Alexis


LaTia asks great questions and holds a beautiful space. I feel held, seen, and listened to when she coaches me. She provides more than enough time for me to process my thoughts and respond thoughtfully to her questions. -Victoria


Since working with LaTia, I’ve found more ease and joy in my work than ever before. I’ve brought more balance into my life and stopped doing the work that doesn’t get me results. Knowing how to organize my work in a way that gives me energy instead of draining me, my business dreams seem possible again.
LaTia is one of the best listeners I’ve ever encountered. She took great care to understand my situation and offered her insights that were eye-opening and so on the point! She saw the areas where I struggled and lovingly and passionately acknowledged my efforts. Being so seen by her was opening my heart and encouraging my soul.
The combination of her deep wisdom and attunement to me brought so much clarity into the session and into my life. It has helped me see the areas where I’m not connecting the dots and find ways to realign them. The sessions with her felt like lying on the warm sand, and they gave me the strength and clarity to move toward my desires.
I have reorganized my work schedule to make it exciting to start my work day, while also reassuring me leisure and rest time. I have increased possibilities for connection with myself, self-growth and self-care, while my business started to grow. My feminine Self was allowed to emerge, and I’ve found ways in which I can allow my masculine and feminine to co-create.
LaTia sees and expresses the greatness in people that they don’t even know they have. With support like hers, life starts to shift towards joy, love, and embodying the true Self. Also, she has a sparkle in her that simply feels so good to be around. I’m grateful to get to know her and have the honor of taking sessions with her.
– Spela

I began working with LaTia as my coach at a time when I was unmotivated, overwhelmed and struggling to move forward with my goals. LaTia was able to create such a safe and intimate container and ask such deep and thoughtful questions, allowing me to get clarity and new perspectives on the issues and blocks I was having. Her brain operates like a supercomputer, allowing her to see the patterns and links that were being revealed through our ongoing work together. She was able to support me in breaking down my overall goal into smaller, more achievable steps that really allowed me to take daily actions towards my desires. Working with LaTia has been such a gift to receive! Her wealth of practical knowledge, paired with her strong intuition was exactly what I needed to break through the barriers I was experiencing. Thank you so much LaTia! Anyone that gets to work with you is extremely lucky!
– Liz

The coaching session was a blessing. It allowed me to slow down and really look back and appreciate how far I’ve come until now allowing me to center myself, reset and get a clearer view of where I want to take this journey.